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Coaching for students: what do I really want?

December 21, 2021

Joost Jan Pannebakker BSc, Medical Student, 4th year

Ever wondered what students do, besides studying? We might be doing one of the several GERS-projects, working in one of the student teams at the hospital, or being a student representative. Participating in a committee of the medical faculty association (MFVR), or one of several other study or student associations is also a very popular option, as well as joining a research group. However, it’s important to exercise several times a week, we must stay healthy, and we also can’t forget to hang out with our friends every now and then. Got some spare time? There a lot of projects in the neighbourhood where they can use our help. Or aim higher, and fill out an application to be a board member! Or we want to broaden our horizon, and try to get a second degree.

Choices, choices, choices. For students here at the Erasmus Medical Centre, there are a lot of possibilities to develop yourself, explore new areas of interest, or just to pass the time. As one of those students, I am having a hard time choosing between all those options. Making a decision was never one of my qualities. My area of interest is broad and I want to do a lot, maybe even too much. It is clear that I need to make choices, but that’s exactly my one of my weaknesses. How do I make sure that I don’t push my limits to far, that I know when to stop? But more importantly, what do I really want to do, and what is best for my future?

‘My area of interest is broad and I want to do a lot, maybe even too much.’

To help students like me, the Erasmus MC has recently provided us with coaches from MATCH, an internal project to support students’ personal development. These are not the coaches every bachelor student of medicine is familiar with, but doctors, who have completed a certified coaching course. Such a coach is ideal: their advice is a combination of their own experience as former students of medicine, as well as things they have learned during their course. My first session with my coach was about how humans make choices in the first place. Did you know that making a decision making process can be reduced to three simple aspects: what somebody wants, can and must do? It is a very simple explanation, but something I couldn’t come up with on my own. De rest of that session, as well as the following sessions, I worked with my coach to further my personal growth. Not only did I understand the scientific background, I also received simple tips on how to continue on my own.

Luckily, it hasn’t come to that yet. I have a couple of sessions with her left. Last year, I have made progress in my personal development, and I have got a better understanding of what I really want. I’m not there yet, but I have to rest of my life to keep learning. For this moment, I am glad that I got some external coaching to help me on my path. Without her, I probably wouldn’t be able to find the right path, since there are infinite possibilities. I mean, would you?