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Profile picture of Pascal de Jong

P.H.P. (Pascal) de Jong, MD PhD

Principal investigator

  • Department
  • Rheumatology

About P.H.P. (Pascal) de Jong, MD PhD


I am currently involved in the clinical epidemiological research line "Early Arthritis" that focuses on:
(1) early recognition of the disease,
(2) Improving management strategies including referral strategies and
(3) the impact of the disease on patients’ lives (ie. daily functioning, worker productivity, fatigue and quality of life).

Field(s) of expertise

(Early) arthritis, cost-effectiveness

Education and career

I started studying medicine at the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 1999 and obtained my medical degree in 2005 (cum laude). Subsequently, I started my residency in Pediatrics and later on in Internal Medicine.
In 2008 I started working as a PhD student at the Erasmus MC under the supervision of Prof.dr. J.M.W. Hazes and Dr. A.E.A.M. Weel. I obtained my PhD degree in 2013 on the thesis “Management of Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Solving the Unresolved”. 
In this period I also participate in the Master of Science program Clinical Epidemiology by the NIHES (Netherlands Institute of Health Sciences), from which I graduated in 2011. 
Thereafter, I become a rheumatology trainee and in 2017 I got my qualification as Rheumatologist. 
Currently, I am working as a rheumatologist and epidemiologist at the department of rheumatology of the ErasmusMC.


• van Mulligen E, de Jong PHP, et al. Gradual tapering TNF inhibitors versus conventional synthetic DMARDs after achieving controlled disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: first-year results of the randomised controlled TARA study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2019. pii: annrheumdis-2018-214970.
• Kuijper TM, Luime JJ, Xiong H, de Jong PH, et al. Effects of psychosocial factors on monitoring treatment effect in newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis patients over time: response data from the tREACH study. Scan J Rheumatol. 2017; DOI: 10.1080/03009742.2017.1349176
• de Jong PH, et al. Best cost-effectiveness and worker productivity with initial triple DMARD therapy compared with methotrexate monotherapy in early rheumatoid arthritis: cost-utility analysis of the tREACH trial. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2016; doi:10.1093.
• Kuijper TM, Luime JJ, de Jong PH, et al. Tapering csDMARDs in patients with early arthritis in sustained remission: 2-year follow-up of the tREACH trial. Ann Rheum Dis. 2016. 
• de Jong PH, et al. Randomised comparison of initial triple DMARD therapy with methotrexate monotherapy in combination with low-dose glucocorticoid bridging therapy; 1-year data of the tREACH trial. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Jul;73(7):1331-9. 




Teaching activities

Lectures for medical students in the core curriculum and minor.