About Prof. dr. M.A.M. (Marc) Mureau, MD, PhD
Professional Development
Since July 2005, I have been working as a Plastic Surgeon at Erasmus MC with the focus on reconstructive microsurgery including breast, head and neck, facial nerve, and complex facial reconstruction. Since 2009, I am Head of the Oncologic Reconstructive Surgery Unit at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Since May 2016, I am Associate Professor and from December 2016, I am Deputy Chair of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Research Interests
My research focuses on the assessment and optimization of outcomes following reconstructive (micro)surgery, studying patient-reported outcomes, big data from (inter)national clinical registries, complication reduction strategies, and innovations.
Field(s) of expertise
The aim and value of oncologic reconstructive surgery is to reduce the impact of cancer treatment and improve quality of life of cancer patients by restoring function and appearance of different parts of the body after tumor resection and/or radiation. Therefore, our research has mainly focused on “Patient Centered Research using PROMs” and “Innovations in Reconstructive Techniques”, aiming to contribute to the implementation of Value Based Health Care.
For the "patient centered" research line, multiple research projects are being performed regarding the impact, value and effectiveness of different reconstruction techniques after treatment for breast, head & neck and skin cancer, using PROMs, cost-effectiveness analyses, and QALYs to optimize outcomes and to help professionals, patients, health insurances, and policymakers to make shared and informed decisions.
For the "surgical innovations" research line, a large multicenter RCT on the effectiveness of polyurethane covered breast implants to reduce capsular contracture was started in 2018 and a new research line on lymphedema microsurgery with the use of a microsurgery robot is being started. In addition, we are involved in the development of a new wireless tissue oxygenation monitoring device to remotely assess the vascularization of flaps.
Education and career
From 1988 to 1995, I studied Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Erasmus University Rotterdam. In 1995, I achieved my PhD (title thesis: Psychosexual and Psychosocial Adjustment of Hypospadias Patients), for which I received two scientific awards. In 1997, I became MD after which I started my training in General and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. In 2005, I did a Clinical Fellowship in Reconstructive Facial Nerve Surgery in Vienna.
Since July 2005, I have been working as a Plastic Surgeon at Erasmus MC with the focus on reconstructive microsurgery including breast, head and neck, facial nerve, and complex facial reconstruction. Since 2009, I am Head of the Oncologic Reconstructive Surgery Unit at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Since May 2016, I am Associate Professor and from December 2016, I am Deputy Chair of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Teaching activities
Associate Professor since May 2016.
Supervised theses as co-promotor:
-Eveline Bijlard, 13 December 2017: Less is More in Keloid Disease: a Clinical Study.
-Morteza Enajat, 15 December 2014: Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap Breast Reconstruction: Optimization of Technique, Perioperative Measures, and Outcomes.
-Ahmed Ibrahim, 12 November 2014: Acellular Dermal Matrix in Postmastectomy Breast Reconstruction.
-Jessica Gopie, 9 January 2013: The Psychological Impact of Breast Reconstruction after Prophylactic or Therapeutic Mastectomy for Breast Cancer.
-Tim Damen, 4 November 2011: Technical, Psychological, and Economic Aspects of DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction.
-Sanne Moolenburgh, 20 November 2009: Psychological, Functional and Aesthetic Outcome after Nasal Reconstruction.
Teaching medical specialists, residents, and nurse practitioners:
-Twice a year our department organizes a national and an international microsurgical skills course for residents as well as medical specialists in plastic surgery, orthopedics, general surgery, neurosurgery, gynecology, and urology. At both courses I give lectures since 2007.
-Together with the department of surgical oncology, I developed the oncoplastic breast surgery course which has been organized twice a year from 2009 to 2011 for residents and medical specialists in surgical oncology and plastic surgery. From 2012 the course is held annually.
-Our department organizes Esser courses on specific topics which are visited by national and international plastic surgeons and residents, ENT-surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, dermatologists, and ophthalmologists. I was involved in the organization of the following courses:
-25th Esser Course “Oncoplastic Breast Surgery. Optimize your Outcomes by Working Together!” Rotterdam, March 18, 2017.
-24th Esser Course “Ins and outs of nose surgery” Rotterdam, November 1, 2014.
-22nd Esser Course “What’s new in breast reconstruction” -Rotterdam, January, 2014.
-21st Esser Course “Wide Awake. A live surgery event” Rotterdam, November, 2013.
-13th Esser Course “Aesthetic and functional reconstruction of the nose” Rotterdam, November 21, 2009.
-12th Esser Course “Aesthetics in facial reconstruction: new perspectives, 2nd course.” Rotterdam, June 1-2, 2007.
-11th Esser Course “Aesthetics in facial reconstruction: new perspectives.” Rotterdam, May 20-21, 2005.
-Since 2012, I participate in the annual national Basic Oncology Course, organized by the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Oncologie by giving the lecture “Oncologic Reconstructive Surgery”.
-Since 2011, I participate in the annual training program for breast care nurses "Mamma Opleiding" by giving the lecture “An Overview of Breast Reconstruction Techniques”.
Teaching medical students:
-Since 2010, an elective 10-week MINOR-educational course in plastic surgery exists: “Reconstruction: from head to hands”, for which I developed the oncologic reconstructive surgery part. I also participate in the MINOR-educational course “Head and neck surgery”. These courses consist of lectures, witnessing outpatient clinics and operations, clinical skills, self-tuition subjects and writing and presenting a scientific review.
Other positions
-Deputy head Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (December 2016-present)
-Chairman plastic surgery staff meetings (March 2016-October 2017)
-Member Beraad Erasmus MC Cancer Institute (2013-present)
-Sector Head Oncologic Reconstructive Unit of our department (2009-present)
-Member OK-raad at the Erasmus MC, Center Location (2008-2013)
-Member Snijdend Oncologische Groep (SOG) at the Erasmus MC Cancer Institute (2007-April 2018)
-President Nederlandse Vereniging voor Plastische Chirurgie (NVPC) (November 2017-present)
-Vice-President NVPC (September 2015-October 2017)
-President NVPC Quality Committee (September 2015-March 2018)
-Member Clinical Audit Board NABON Breast Cancer Audit (October 2017-present)
-Member Federatie Medisch Specialisten (FMS) Algemene Vergadering on behalf of NVPC (November 2017-present)
-Member FMS Raad Kwaliteit on behalf of NVPC (September 2015-October 2017)
-President national guideline committee “Breast Reconstruction” (2011-2014 and 2017-present)
-Member scientific committee of the NABON Breast Cancer Audit (NBCA/DICA) (2012-October 2017)
-President Taskforce Outcome of the NBCA (January 2015-present)
-Member Clinical Audit Board of the Dutch Breast Implant Registry (DBIR/DICA) (2013-present)
-Member ICHOM (International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement) Breast Cancer Working Group, responsible for development of a global outcomes standard set (May 2015-May 2017)
-NVPC national delegate of ICOBRA (International Collaboration of Breast Device Registry Activities), which meets biannually to collaborate on global standardization of breast implant registries (2013-present)
-NVPC national delegate of MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) countries, which meet biannually to collaborate on quality improvement and standardization in the field of plastic surgery (2012-present)
-Associate Editor Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery (2011-present)
Scholarships, grants, and awards
Scientific Grants:
2018-2021 (Polytech, Є250.000): Long-term results of breast reconstruction with polyurethane-covered versus textured implants.
2015-2016 (Esser Foundation, Є125.763): The Cost Effectiveness of Breast Reconstruction.
2013-2015 (KWF, IKNL-2013-6501, Є75.000): Oorzaken van variatie in toepassing van directe mammaconstructie na ablatieve chirurgie.
2011 (Pink Ribbon, 2011.WO27.C110, Є150.000): Women and their partners with intimate problems after mastectomy and breast reconstruction.
2012-2015 (Nuts Ohra Foundation, 1104-062, Є180.000): Littekens zonder grenzen, hoe houden we ze klein?
2011-2014 (ZonMw, 150020049, Є25.000): Development patient version of national breast reconstruction guideline.
2011-2014 (SKMS, 16733716, Є83.500: Development national breast reconstruction guideline.
2007-2013 (KWF-UL, 2007-3726, Є346.000): Postmastectomy breast reconstruction; a study of the psychological implications of DIEP flap and implant procedures.
Scientific Awards:
-Hippocrates Foundation Study Fund Prize. For the Ph.D. research "Psychosexual and Psychosocial Adjustment of Hypospadias Patients", Leiden, the Netherlands, September 1996.
-Gerrit Jan Mulder Prize. For the Ph.D. research "Psychosexual and Psychosocial Adjustment of Hypospadias Patients", Rotterdam, the
Netherlands, May 1996.