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The texts on the photos of Joep’s adventure

Here you can read the texts found in ‘Joep’s adventure’: 360-degree photos of special rooms at Erasmus MC Sophia Children’s Hospital.

The main hall

  • If this is your first visit to the hospital, you should go to the registration desk with your parents. There, we’ll make a special card for you with your name on it.
  • You’ll see a statue of Sophietje in the hall. She’s the mascot of the Friends of Sophia Children’s Hospital Foundation, just like the orange lion is for the Dutch national football team. Queen Maxima unveiled the statue in 2013, which is when Erasmus MC Sophia Children’s Hospital celebrated its 150th birthday.
  • There are several play areas in the main hall, where you can play if you need to wait for your appointment.
  • You’ll also see Olli the elephant in the main hall. Who is Olli?
    '’I am Olli, the biggest and thickest supporter of all the little and big heroes in the Sophia Children's Hospital. In the arrivals hall there is a large Olli picture with Olli’s drol mailbox where you can send your wishes to Olli.’’ Have you had your picture taken with him yet? See also www.ollimania.com.
  • There’s also a play area with a touchscreen. Touch the screen to start a game – go on, give it a try!

Blood test room

  • Sometimes, the doctor needs to study a bit of your blood. The blood test room is where we take a blood sample from your finger or arm. Sit down in a chair or on your Mum’s or Dad’s (or your guardian’s) lap if you prefer. If you want, the nurse can stick a plaster with some ointment on your arms. The ointment helps to make the prick less painful. The nurse will then check which is your best arm for taking a blood sample.
  • You’ll find lots of fun gifts in the Castle Room. After you’ve had your blood taken, you can go there to choose a nice present.
  • The nurse will first tell you exactly what she is going to do so that you know what’s going to happen. The nurse will also ask if there’s anything she can do to help. You may wish to sit on someone’s lap, for example. You may want to watch her take your blood or you may prefer to look away. You may want the nurse to count while she’s taking your blood. Or perhaps you’d prefer to look at a book or blow some bubbles!
  • Read more about the blood test room (Central patient lab services).

The ultrasound room

  • This is a room where they use sound waves to look inside your body. An ultrasound is a kind of film or photo of the inside of your body. You can see the pictures on the screen. Your Mum or Dad can sit next to you and watch the screen, too. In some cases, you’ll be asked not to eat or go to the toilet for a few hours before the scan.
  • You may feel some warm jelly being put on your skin. The doctor then moves a probe (a sort of stick) over part of your body – your tummy, for example.
  • Can you see the drawings on the ceiling? They were made by other children in the hospital for you to look at when you’re having an ultrasound done.
  • Read more about an ultrasound scan.

The CT scan room

  • A CT scan takes X-ray images of the inside of your body, so that the doctor can see your organs or other parts of your body.
  • You first need to lie down on a bed. The bed slides slowly into the tunnel. The scanner can only take clear pictures if you lie absolutely still, as still as you can.
  • You’re allowed to have someone with you during the scan. This person will need to wear a special apron, though. We’ve even got one with bears on it.
  • When you are lying in the CT scanner, the doctor may ask you to hold your breath for a short while. How long can you hold your breath? Once the pictures have been taken, you’ll need to stay on the bed for a bit while the doctor checks whether they are OK.
  • Read more about a CT scan.

The plaster room

  • A plaster cast is used to hold a broken bone in the right position. A cast can also help part of your body to heal more quickly by giving it some rest.
  • A plaster cast may be a bit itchy. Your Mum or Dad can use a hairdryer to blow cold air into your cast to make it less itchy. Scratching your other arm may also help. If you hold a mirror next to this arm, your brain will think that you’re scratching your other arm, the one in a plaster cast. If this doesn’t work, we also have a special spray with talcum powder. But you can use this only if you don’t have an open wound.
  • You can decorate your cast by asking people to write or draw something on it. Or you can stick glitter or stickers on it.
  • You can choose your own colour for your cast. The technicians will show you which colours you can choose from.
  • When the time comes to remove the cast, this is done with the help of a machine. The machine makes a lot of noise, and you can ask for headphones to block out the noise. The machine uses vibrations to open the cast.
  • Read more about the plaster room.

The ECG room

  • An electrocardiogram (ECG) measures electrical activity in the heart and is used for diagnosing heart problems. The ECG is done as you lie on a bed. Your Mum and Dad can stay in the room with you. Sticky sensor pads are placed on your arms, legs and chest. The pads have electrodes on them that are attached to wires leading to a computer.
  • As long as you can lie very still, the ECG will not take very long. The test is generally over by the time it takes to count to 10. The computer makes a recording of your heart. This shows the doctor how well your heart is working. You can watch a film or listen or music while the ECG is being done. You could also do a breathing exercise or just close your eyes and think of something nice.
  • A small lamp is attached with a plaster to your finger or toe to measure the oxygen in your body.
  • You’re first weighed and measured before the ECG is done. A cuff is placed around your arm to take your blood pressure. The cuff is pumped up, so that it feels like your arm is being squeezed – a bit like when you’re swimming with an arm float that’s been inflated really hard.
  • You’ll see your heartbeat on a special TV screen. Every time your heart beats, you’ll see a thin line go up and down. The doctor uses this recording to see how your heart is working: how fast your heart is beating and how often it beats, and also to check the heart’s rhythm.
  • Read more about an ECG.

The operating theatre lobby

  • This is where you go before your operation. You wait here together with your Mum or Dad (or your guardian) and the nurse, until the doctor comes to pick you up.
  • There’s a special car which you may be allowed to drive to the operating theatre, if you don’t have to stay in bed.
  • Your Mum or Dad (or your guardian) will need to put on a special gown and also to put covers over their shoes. That’s because we want to keep the operating theatre as clean as possible.

The theater prep room

  • This room is known as the theatre prep room. It’s where you wait with your Mum or Dad until you’re allowed to go into the operating theatre.
  • Although you’re only here for a very short time, you’ll find that it’s very bright and cheerful. The cupboards are covered with pretty butterflies.

The operating theatre

  • The next room you go to after the theatre prep room is the operating theatre itself. Your Mum or Dad (or your guardian) can come with you and stay with you until you fall asleep.
  • It’s a pretty impressive room. All the equipment around you helps the doctors make you better. The equipment can see how fast your heart is beating, for example.
  • You’ll also see some big lamps that help the doctors to see exactly what they’re doing.
  • This is the mask that the doctor uses to help you go to sleep. The doctor will ask you to breathe slowly when the mask is placed over your nose. You’ll feel that you’re falling asleep. In some cases, the doctor may prefer to use an intravenous drip to put you to sleep. When you wake up, you’ll see that your Mum or Dad (or your guardian) are with you in the recovery room.

The recovery room

  • You don’t stay in the recovery room for very long. You’re usually still asleep when you leave the operating theatre. You’re taken to the recovery room to wake up slowly. This is where you’ll see your Mum or Dad again. As soon as the nurses see that you are doing well, you can go back to your own room in the hospital.
  • You’ll probably be lying on your back in bed so that, when you wake up, these pretty butterflies will be the first thing you see!
  • There are usually a number of children in this room, all recovering from an operation. Every child has his or her own space, with a special computer that shows the doctors and nurses how they’re doing.