Education and career
- 1977: VWO-B, Libanon Lyceum, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 1980: BSc in Biology at the Rijks Universiteit Leiden
- 1983: Master's (‘Doctoraal’) at the Rijks Universiteit Leiden
Main subjects:
- Parasitology, Rijks Universiteit Leiden (Dr. P. Rotmans)
- Immunology, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (Dr. W. van Ewijk)
- Molecular Biology, Rijks Universiteit Leiden (Dr. J.L. Bos)
- 1990: Doctorate Erasmus University Rotterdam (Cum Laude), Supervisor (‘Promotor’): Prof. Dr. B. Löwenberg, Title of thesis: “Characterization of human acute myeloid leukemia cells”
Work experience since graduating
- 1991 - 1992 Post-doctoral fellowship, St. Jude Children’s Hospital Memphis, Tenessee, USA (Dr. J.N. Ihle)
- 1993 - 1999 Assistant Professor Department of Hematology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 1999 - 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Hematology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 2010: Professor “Molecular Leukemogenesis”, Department of Hematology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Teaching activities
- Coordinator of “Keuze onderzoek” program at the Hematology department
- Coordinator of Master of Science, Molecular Medicine (2nd year students)
- Teacher in “Thema 2, Abnormale Celgroei” (first year medical students)
- Organiser of the “Erasmus Hematology Lectures”
- Training of university students and students from the “HLO"
Other positions
Advisory Functions
- 2007 - 2010: Official member of the Leukaemia Research Fund Medical and Scientific Advisory Panel
- November 2007: chairing a site visit to review the Leukaemia Research Fund Proteomics Programme (Director : Professor Tony Whetton), University of Manchester, UK
- Spring 2008: chairing a site visit to review the Leukaemia Research Fund program on “AML in Downs syndrome patients”, Hammersmith, Londen, UK
- May 2009: chairing a site visit to review the Leukaemia Research Fund program on APL: (Director : Professor David Grimwade), University of Manchester
- Board member of EHA
- Member of the Scientific subcommittee on Myeloid Biology of the American Society of Hematology
- Member of the Scientific subcommittee on “Epigenetics in Hematological disorders” of the American Society of Hematology
- 2020: Vice chair of the Scientific subcommittee on “Epigenetics in Hematological disorders” of the American Society of Hematology
- 2021: Chair of the Scientific subcommittee on “Epigenetics in Hematological disorders” of the American Society of Hematology
- 2021: Program director of EHA in Barcelona.
Editorial board
- Experimental Hematology
- Haematologica
- Blood
Scholarships, grants, and awards
- KWF Research Fellowship to visit Prof. Dr. JN Ihle, St Judes Children’s Research Hospital, Biochemistry department, Memphis, USA, 1991--1992
- NWO-NATO-Fellowship to visit Prof. Dr. JN Ihle, St Judes Children’s Research Hospital, Biochemistry department, Memphis, USA, 1991--1992
- Fellowship from the Royal Dutch Academy of Science (KNAW):1994-1998
- Stipends from the Dutch Cancer Society (NKB) and Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
- The 2015 Dutch Cancer Research Price (KWO-Price)
- Jose Carreras Award and Lecture, EHA 2017
Awards and Fellowships for graduate students and postdocs within the research groep: P.J.M. Valk (KWF Research fellowship with Prof. Orkin, Boston), E.van den Akker (Jose Careras Young Investigator Award), M.Alberich-Jorda (Jose Careras/EHA Research Fellowship), and N. Rayman (KWF fellowship for “arts-assistenten”), Sanne Lugthart (Jose Careras/EHA Research Fellowship and KWF travel grant for a 5 months visit to Cornell in NY)