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Picture of Emma de Pater
Principal Investigator

E.M. (Emma) de Pater, PhD

Principal Investigator

  • Department
  • Hematology
  • Focus area
  • GATA2, GATA2 deficiency syndrome, Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), Zebrafish
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Field(s) of expertise

  • The role of GATA2 in HSC biology and malignant transformation
  • The function of GATA2 zinc finger mutations on gene expression and DNA binding
  • The function of regulatory elements of GATA2

Education and career

I studied Biology at the University of Leiden and graduated Sept 30th 2005. June 3rd 2010 I obtained my PhD from Utrecht University after completing my thesis on the growth of the zebrafish heart at the Hubrecht Institute in the group of Prof. Jeroen Bakkers. I started my postdoctoral work in the lab of Prof Elaine Dzierzak at Erasmus MC and investigated the role of the transcription factor Gata2 in the generation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in the mouse embryo. Here I discovered that GATA2 is required for HSC generation and maintenance at several stages during ontogeny.

In 2015 I started my research group, combined with management of the cancer genome editing center, at the department of Hematology investigating the role of GATA2 in leukemia predisposition syndromes. My group uses mouse-, zebrafish- and cell models to study the effects of GATA2 mutation on normal and malignant hematopoiesis.

In 2017 I became assistant professor and since 2020 I combine management of my research group with management of the transplantation laboratory of the department of hematology.


Top 5 publications:

De Pater E* & Trompouki E*, Bloody zebrafish – Emerging methods in the study of normal and malignant hematopoiesis. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. (DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2018.00124).

Kaimakis P*, De Pater E*, Eich C*, Solaimani Kartalaei P, Kauts ML, Vink CS, van der Linden R, Jaegle M, Yokomizo T, Meijer D, Dzierzak E. Functional and molecular characterization of mouse Gata2-independent hematopoietic progenitors. Blood. 2016 Feb 1. pii: blood-2015-10-673749

de Pater E, Kaimakis P, Vink C, Yokomizo T, Yamada-Inagawa T, Van der Linden R, Camper S, Speck N and Dzierzak E. Gata2 is required for HSC generation and survival. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2013 Dec;210(13):2843-50.

de Pater E, Ciampricotti M, Priller F, Veerkamp J, Strate I, Smith K, Lagendijk AK, Schilling TF, Herzog W, Abdelilah-Seyfried S, Hammerschmidt M, Bakkers J. Bmp signaling exerts opposite effects on cardiac differentiation, Circ Res. 2012 Feb 17;110(4):578-87
de Pater E, Clijsters L, Marques SR, Lin YF, Garavito-Aguilar ZV, Yelon D, Bakkers J. Distinct phases of cardiomyocyte differentiation regulate growth of the zebrafish heart. Development. 2009 May;136(10):1633-41.

For more information, see  Pubmed

Teaching activities

I teach courses in several bachelor-, master- and PhD programs at Erasmus MC, Avans College and refresher courses for nurses and technicians.

For the technicians of the cell therapy facility I organise 5-10 lectures per year, tailored to their needs.

For both the national DARE-NL consortium and the European GoCART initiative I am harmonizing educational opportunities for ATMP personnel. For ATMP, many specialties have to work together, like biologists, pharmacist, clinicians and regulators and this requires skillsets from all parties. We are developing courses and an education platform to bridge the gaps in each individual’s education. This will be tailored for various levels e.g. technicians, head of production, pharmacists, legislators, patient advocates and ATMP developers at a research level.

PhD student supervision:

  • Iris Peters
  • Cansu Koyunlar Graduated Sept 6th 2022
  • Emanuele Gioacchino Graduated Sept 14th 2021
  • Patricia Olofsen Graduated May 26th 2021

Other positions

  • Member of the management team of the central diagnostics laboratory of Erasmus MC
  • Steering committee of the central liquid nitrogen storage facility
  • Member of the biovigilance team of Erasmus MC. We are responsible for general patient safety regarding organ, gamete/oocyte or cell transplantation and ensure compliance to WvKL legislation within Erasmus MC.
  • Board member of the Dutch-Belgium working group for stem cell laboratories (WSNB).

Scholarships, grants, and awards

  • Jul 2023: KWF project grant
  • Sept 2022: EHA advanced research fellowship
  • Sept 2022: KWF infrastructure grant DARE-NL
  • Dec 2021: Erasmus MC foundation
  • Jun 2017: KWF junior fellowship, Bas Mulder award
  • May 2015: EHA non clinical junior research fellowship


Particpating in the "the Pater Research Group".

My Groups