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Our story

Erasmus MC Education

Analytically minded problem solvers, well up in science but grounded in society. Our graduates and researchers use their medical, biomedical, social science and technical knowledge to build bridges. This is how we make major contributions to medical science and society as a whole, and will continue to do so in future.

About us

Everything starts with knowledge

We are proud of the strong foundation in biomedical knowledge and understanding that characterizes our alumni. With the amount of knowledge growing faster than ever before, the evolving nature of science and technology forces us to adapt our perspective on education accordingly. We prepare our students for life-long learning. This is not only a prospect; it is a privilege.

We are never complacent

Every day, we live up to the excellent reputation of our study programs and of Erasmus MC as a research institute. We teach our students to always examine issues from multiple angles. Our education lays the foundations for the healthcare of the future. So the stakes are high.

We are tolerant world citizens

As an educational institution, we draw inspiration from and like to reflect Rotterdam, our home base. Everyone should feel at home in any of our study programs. Given our world view, it is natural for us to engage in research and education from an inclusive perspective. It leverages our impact on society.

We always seek connection

This is reflected, for instance, in our broad collaborative projects, and in convergence with academic and technical partners such as Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam, and our social partners. Each and every day, our research and education prove their value for the health of society.

We are mindful of the well-being of our students

Our programs require a lot from them in terms of effort, collaboration, personal growth and independent study. Our focus is on student-driven teaching, allowing students to pursue their interests and follow their own paths. Together, students and researchers form a network that will support and inspire them during their studies and beyond. They develop into inspired connectors whose collaborative projects transcend disciplinary boundaries. They understand the language of doctors and nurses, engineers and data scientists, and sociologists and economists.

These are the values that give us the courage to aim for impact

There is no ambition that cannot be pursued. We are a renowned university medical center and our research has worldwide impact. We concentrate on the major medical, technical and social issues of our time. Our educational mission is to get the best out of ourselves and each other, for and in cooperation with science and with society at large.