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Genomics in Society 1 Year

1 Year Genomics in Society

October 15, 2023

It has been one year since the start of the new research master program Genomics in Society (GIS). The first students are now halfway through the two-year master and a new batch of students has started their journey. Students can now apply for the upcoming academic year, 2024-2025. Applications are not only open for the Genomics in Society program, but also for all research master’s within Erasmus MC Graduate School.

Over the past year, faculty and students of Genomics and Society have learned much. Through hard work, dedication and perseverance they not only gained knowledge, but also overcame important challenges. The progress they made during this first year provides a strong foundation for the years ahead. Boy Vijlbrief, lecturer in Ethics of Genomics: ‘The first year of GiS was very special, because the education you designed together really comes to life. Did students achieve all the learning objectives with the planned learning activities?’

Interdisciplinary character

The Genomics in Society program trains students to become specialized researchers and professionals in a relatively new interdisciplinary research field. In the first year of the research master program, the focus is primarily on theory. In the second year, students put their newly acquired knowledge into practice during an internship.

Because students from different fields of study are admitted, the research master program has an integrative character. This diversity of backgrounds enriches the program and allows this versatile group of students to collaborate and develop an interdisciplinary research language.

Abduallah, student of the first batch of Genomics in Society: ‘ What makes Genomis in Society a unique program is that it approaches a topic like genomics from different perspectives. What also makes the program unique is that it focuses on how people from different backgrounds can work together. For example, my classmates have different backgrounds and it’s really great to experience the synergy in group projects and class discussions.’ Boy Vijlbrief adds: ‘Something that has also contributed to this synergy is the close contact between students and teachers. This allows us as teachers to switch strategy quickly when needed. For example, by adapting certain forms of testing and by responding to the workload that students experience. You really need that flexibility when running a new program like Genomics in Society.’

Bridging the gap between science and society

Genomics in Society ensures that students have broad knowledge in psychology, governance, ethics and entrepreneurship, but in-depth expertise in genomics. This allows students to bridge the gap between science and society, contributing to the positive impact of genomics in society. Watch the video below to learn more about the program.

Application is open

Admission for Genomics in Society and the other research master’s is open. The application deadline for medical students and students from Europe (EEA) is April 1, 2024. Students from outside Europe (non-EEA) must apply by March 1, 2024. Click here for an overview of all research masters.