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Research project

Mental health of children and adolescents in general practice

Status: Ongoing (August 2019 - 2025)

A retrospective cohort study into the prevalence, time trends and management of mental health problems, and associated conditions, in children and adolescents in primary care.

What we do

About our project

Mental health problems are a major causes of burden of disease in children, and they have a negative effects on the development of children. Many children with mental problems are diagnosed and managed in primary care. However, the recognition and management of mental health problems of children remain a challenge for many general practitioners. As a result, mental health problems in children and adolescents may be underestimated and misunderstood in general practice.
More insights in disease frequency and the type of management of mental health problems in primary care are assumed to contribute to improve the recognition and management of these mental health problems within general practice.

The frequency and management of mental health problems among all children (0-18 years) registered in Rijnmond Gezond Database (2012-2018) will be investigated.
Additional methodological approaches (e.g. interview studies) will be used in order to deepen our understanding of the management of mental health problems in children and adolescents within primary care. 

Our research focus

Our research focuses at determining the prevalence and incidence of mental health problems in children and adolescents over time. We investigate how mental health problems are currently managed by general practitioners and which problems or hurdles in treating and managing mental health problems in children and adolescents occur in primary care.

Additionally, we aim to get more insight in comorbidities, associated problems, and risk factors of mental health problems in children and adolescents. These insights will help general practioners with the early recognition and management of mental health problems in children.

Primary outcome
The primary outcome is the incidence / prevalence of mental health problems and disorders in primary care practice.

Secondary outcomes
Secondary outcomes are the use of medication and referrals to secondary care. Also, analyses will be stratified for age and gender and time trends will be analyzed.

Funds & Grants


Our team

L.B.M. Koet, AIOTHO (PhD-student, GP in education), l.koet@erasmusmc.nl
Prof. Dr. P.J.E. Bindels (promotor), p.bindels@erasmusmc.nl
Dr. H. Gerger (copromotor), h.gerger@erasmusmc.nl
Dr. A. Bohnen, a.bohnen@erasmusmc.nl
Dr. E. de Schepper, e.deschepper@erasmusmc.nl

Contact address for the project: h.gerger@erasmusmc.nl.