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Picture of Erik van Gorp
Principal Investigator

E. (Eric) van Gorp

university medical specialist

  • Department
  • Viroscience
  • Focus area
  • Clinical aspects of exotic viruses



Prof. dr. Eric C.M. van Gorp is an internist/infectiologist/virologist at the Erasmus MC, heading the clinical working group of Emerging Viral infections [EVI] in the Department of Viroscience.

The EVI group is involved in research in the field of Emerging [outbreak] viruses like Dengue, Ebola, Zika and COVID-19. Vaccine effectiveness studies [multicenter] in risk groups and optimizing vaccination implementation strategies is a second field of expertise.

His field of interest is the social and scientific impact of infectious diseases. He is founder of the Cirion foundation [www.cirion.net], initiating and facilitating initiatives and projects to promote prevention of infectious diseases. One of the initiatives is the EU supported international education and prevention project Viruskenner for scholars [www.viruskenner.nl].

The research line, with several PhD’s, he is supervising is focusing on the emerging viral infections, with an extensive (inter)national network in the Netherlands, the Caribbean, Surinam, Brazil , South Africa, and Indonesia.

He is supervisor of the Vaccination outpatient clinic/Travel clinic and the Clinical trial unit from the Viroscience department on which fase I and II vaccination studies are conducted [e.g. Horizon 2020, CEPI, ZonMW].

Field(s) of expertise

Clinical aspects of exotic viruses

Education and career

Prof. dr. Eric C.M. van Gorp studied medicine at the University of Amsterdam. In 2001 he finished his thesis entitled: "Studies on the pathophysiology of dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome", granted by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).


Selection of publications

Other positions

He is visiting professor at the University of Airlanga in Surabaya, Indonesia. He is a member of the advisory board emerging infections Caribbean. His field of interest is the social and scientific impact of infectious diseases; epidemiology, clinical management and pathophysiology. He is founder of the Cirion foundation [www.cirion.net], initiating and facilitating initiatives and projects to promote prevention of infectious diseases.

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