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profile picture Fernando Rivadeneira
Principal Investigator

Prof.dr.F. (Fernando) Rivadeneira, PhD

MD PhD Professor Translational Skeletal Genomics

  • Department
  • Internal Medicine

About Prof.dr.F. (Fernando) Rivadeneira, PhD


My group studies the determinants of skeletal diseases along the life-course (with special focus on osteoporosis), seeking the translation of genomic discoveries into clinical applications. We do this by applying state-of-the art “big data” analytics integrating genomic functional assessments, imaging and other forms of medical data. We have contributed to numerous genomic discoveries in the musculoskeletal field, achieved together with researchers from > 30 countries brought together by the Genetic Factor of Osteoporosis (GEFOS) consortium and the GEnomics of MusculoSkeletal traits TranslatiOnal Network (GEMSTONE-CA-18139) Cost Action. 

Field(s) of expertise

Translational Genomics; Genetic Epidemiology; Musculoskeletal Health; Osteoporosis; Sarcopenia

Education and career

Research physician and genetic epidemiologist, Professor of Translational Skeletal Genomics at Erasmus University Medical Centre Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 


Publications of Fernando Rivadeneira can be found at: ORCID: 0000-0001-9435-9441.

Teaching activities

Current Director of the Genomic and Molecular Epidemiology track of the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (Nihes) MSC program and course coordinator of seven postgraduate courses of the Nihes and MolMed Schools.

Other positions

Principal investigator of the Generation R (pediatric) and Rotterdam Study (adults) cohorts; focusing on the study of musculoskeletal health and diseases, applying a life-course epidemiological approach. Current Deputy Editor of the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (JBMR).

Scholarships, grants, and awards

GRANTS: Bone Fragility In Diabetes in Europe – towards a personaLised medIcine approach (FIDELIO-ITN); GEnomics of MusculoSkeletal traits TranslatiOnal Network (CA18139 Cost Action); From genetic discoveries to clinical applications: comprehensive phenotyping of the musculoskeletal system (ZonMW VIDI-016-136-367); Pleiotropy and Phenomics of Musculoskeletal Aging (NIH-NIAAMS); Genetic Factors of Osteoporosis (GEFOS) (EC-FP7-HEALTH- F2-2008-201865); 

AWARDS:Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher / World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds;
American Society for Bone and Mineral Research / Fuller Albright Award*;
European Calcified Tissue Society / The Alliance for Better Bone Health Iain T Boyle Award*;
* Awarded to scientists who have made significant progress and contribution to the field of bone research

My Groups