About Prof. A.M. (Andrea) Woltman
Teaching activities
2023 - current | Program Director Research Master Infection and Immunity, Erasmus MC |
2013 - 2023 | Program Director Bachelor in Medicine, Erasmus MC; Woltman innovated and organised education, and laid the evidence-based foundation for the new medical curriculum within Erasmus MC |
Woltman initiates and supports educational innovations in health professions education programs. In her teaching activities, she is committed to the scientific and professional development of Bachelor, Master and PhD students.
Other positions
2023 - current | Program Director Research Master Infection and Immunity, Erasmus MC |
2013 - 2023 | Program Director Bachelor in Medicine, Erasmus MC; Woltman innovated and organised education, and laid the evidence-based foundation for the new medical curriculum within Erasmus MC |
2022 - current | Board member Gerrit Jan Mulder Stichting |
2020 - current | Advisory Board Impact at the Core – Erasmus University Rotterdam-wide initiative to make a positive impact on societal challenges, Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
2019 - 2022 | Founding Chair EU Thematic Network - Digital Doc: Digital skills for future-proof doctors |
2018 - 2020 | Committee member 2020 Dutch framework for undergraduate medical education (Raamplan Artsopleiding), Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres |
Scholarships, grants, and awards
Woltman received grants from national and international organizations for conducting immunological and education research and innovating education programs, including personal grants from ZonMw (Vidi-2012 and Veni-2005) and Erasmus MC- and Center for Learning and Innovation-fellowships.
Personal honours and awards
2013 | Young Erasmus Academy member (membership 5 years, founding chair for first 2 years) |
2012 | NWO/ZonMw VIDI, Talent Scheme Laureate |
2010 | In Viva400: 400 most successful Dutch women |
2010 | Co-promotor of the year; Promeras PhD Association Erasmus MC, Rotterdam |
2005 | NWO/ZonMw VENI, Talent Scheme Laureate |
2002 | Best thesis awarded by the Dutch Federation for Nephrology & Dutch Kidney Foundation |
2002 | Best publication in transplantation research; Novartis Transplantation Grant |
2001 | Best oral presentation; Annual congress Dutch Transplantation Society |
2001 | Poster Award: Basic Science Symposium of the Transplantation Society (Switzerland) |
Awards as a supervisor
2020 | Best research paper award, Dutch Association for Medical Education (NVMO), (V.M.A. Broks) |
2017 | Travel Award, International HBV Meeting, Washington, USA (Y. Dou) |
2015 | Poster Prize, Dutch Experimental Gastroenterology and Hepatology meeting (E. van der Aa) |
2013 | Research award, Dutch Society for Hepatology (E. van der Aa) |
2013 | Best poster presentation, Dutch Society for Hepatology (A. Boltjes) |
2012 | Travel award, European Association for the Study of the Liver (A. Boltjes) |
2009 | 2nd Prize Oral Presentation, Molecular Medicine Day, Erasmus MC (L. van de Laar) |
2008 | Presidential Poster of Distinction Prize, Annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, San Francisco, USA (M.L. Op den Brouw) |
Several examples of interviews/publications with societal impact:
- Toekomstige student heeft liever selectie dan loting, ScienceGuide 2023
- Het bsa zou nooit dwingend moeten zijn, ScienceGuide 2021
- Van een verhoogd bsa profiteren vooral mannen, vrouwen ervaren hinder, ScienceGuide 2020
Research Projects
To positively contribute to inclusive selection and assessment policies that stimulate learning, iMERR investigates the characteristics that can affect performance, well-being and diversity of the student population.
- Unintended effects of selection on medical student and applicant diversity: What can we do about this? (Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO))
- The effect of admission and academic dismissal policy on academic performance and student wellbeing (Fellowship Center for Learning and Innovation, Erasmus University Rotterdam)