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Zsofía Igloi

Dr. Zs. (Zsofia) Igloi



  • Department
  • Virology
  • Focus area
  • Public Health, diagnostics, arbo- and emerging viruses
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2020 - 2021 I was leading multiple assay evaluation studies on Sars-CoV-2 using the antibody and antigen rapid tests. The antigen rapid test was also evaluated in large scale community testing projects in Rotterdam. Currently I’m shifting back to my usual viruses, working on improving and implementing multiple new PCRs into the diagnostic workflow, starting up an exciting biobanking study called iMONSTER which will focus on collection of all sorts of sample types from people infected with exotic viruses. This will help in the future to develop and validate diagnostic assays.

Field(s) of expertise

public health, diagnostics, arbo- and emerging viruses 

Education and career

Professional development

I undertook research for 8 years at the University of Leeds, UK where I also finished my PhD. I have worked on a wide range of projects including bacterial and viral topics. The last 6 years of my research focused on hepatitis C virus, trying to understand essential cellular interactions and testing potential drug targets. In 2015 I participated in the Ebola response through Pubic Health England, working in Sierra Leone as a laboratory technician and manager for three months. In 2018 I've finished a two year ECDC founded fellowship (EUPHEM) in the Netherlands to become a public health microbiologist and to learn epidemiological tools to monitor and detect infectious diseases and tackle outbreaks. Since 2018 I’m working at the Erasmus MC in the arbo- and emerging virus reference laboratory responsible for laboratory preparedness and assay development.


You can find my publications: here

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