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Profile picture of Caroline van der Marel
Principal Investigator

C.D. (Caroline) van der Marel MD, PhD

Childrens hospital




Professional development
During my medical training I completed my PhD thesis on pharmodynamics, pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics of paracetamol in infants and children: Paracetamol, widely used, hardly understood.
After specializing in anesthesiology, I followed a fellowship in intensive care medicine and a fellowship in pediatric and obstetric anesthesiology.
Since 2013 I am working as a pediatric and obstetric anesthesiologist at Erasmus MC Sophia.
Current research interests pain and anesthetic management during labour and caesarean section, high risk obstetric anesthesiology, anesthetic management in cardiac parturients.

Fields of expertise

Pediatric and obstetric anesthesiology

Other positions

2018-current President of the Dutch Society of Anesthesiology
2018-current Member of the Algemene vergadering Federatie Medisch Specialisten
2016-2018 development of the Professional Standards Pediatric Anesthesiology of the Dutch Society of Anesthesiology
2014-2017 member of the Members' Council of the Dutch Society of Anesthesiology


  1. C van der Marel, R van Lingen, M Pluim, G Scoones, M van Dijk, JM Vaandrager, D Tibboel. Paracetamol bij zuigelingen en peuters na craniofaciale chirurgie: een dubbelblinde,gerandomiseerde en placebo-gecontrolleerde studie. NVK 2000.
  2. CD van der Marel, BJ Anderson, RA van Lingen, NHG Holford, MAL Pluim, FGA Jansman, JN van den Anker, D Tibboel. Urine excretion pattern of acetaminophen metabolites in young children. PAS 2002.
  3. CD van der Marel, BJ Anderson, THR de Jong, MAL Pluim, JA Bezemer, JN van den Anker, D Tibboel. Paracetamol concentrations in cerebro-spinal fluid in children. ESPR 2002.
  4. CD van der Marel, BJ Anderson, THR de Jong, MAL Pluim, JA Bezemer, JN van den Anker, D Tibboel. Acetaminophen concentrations in cerebro-spinal fluid in children. ESPD 2002.
  5. CD van der Marel, JWB Peters, BJ Anderson, E Hoeve, MAL Pluim, JN van den Anker, D Tibboel. Analgesic efficacy of rectal acetaminophen versus rectal diclofenac in children undergoing (adeno)tonsillectomy. ESPD 2002.
  6. CD van der Marel. Pijnonderzoek bij kinderen, de dagelijkse praktijk. Pijn op de kinderleeftijd: “De volgende stap” 12e Jackson Rees Lezing, oktober 2002.
  7. CD van der Marel, JWB Peters, J Bouwmeester, BJ Anderson, MAL Pluim, JN van den Anker, D Tibboel. Does rectal acetaminophen as adjuvant to intravenous morphine decrease morphine consumption after major surgery in children 0-1 year of age? ISPP 2003.
  8. CD van der Marel, JWB Peters, BJ Anderson, E Hoeve, MAL Pluim, JN van den Anker, D     Tibboel. Analgesic efficacy of rectal acetaminophen versus rectal diclofenac in children undergoing (adeno)tonsillectomy. ISPP 2003
  9. CD van der Marel, H de Geus, J Bakker. Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) as an early indicator for postoperative renal failure. ISICEM 2010
  10. ALMJ van Dortmont, TG de Leeuw, IA Brusse, JJ Duvekot, CD van der Marel. Combined Spinal Epidural tijdens Sectio Caesarea wegens uitgebreide placenta percreta. Refresher Course 2012
  11. CD van der Marel, VFR Adriaens, JMJ Cornette. Case report: Sectio Caesarea bij een patiënte met zeer ernstige secundaire pulmonale hypertensie. Refresher Course 2013
  12. CD van der Marel, A Gonzalez, Drs BO Verburg, Drs EC van der Wilk. Case report: Sectio Caesarea bij een patiënte met ernstige cardiomyopathie. Refresher Course 2013
  13. MAMW Swenne, JJ Wilbers, S Hoeks, CD van der Marel. Chronic Pain after Caesarean Section. Refresher Course 2015
  14. DBM Kock-Cordeiro, AJ Eggink, CD van der Marel, RJM van den Biggelaar. Acute non-invasive ventilation during pregnancy in a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  15. IJJ Dons-Sinke, ALMJ van der Knijff-van Dortmont, W van de Peppel, N Kriek, CD van der Marel. Postoperatieve pijnstilling bij de Sectio Caesarea in Nederlandse ziekenhuizen. Refresher Course 2016
  16. ALMJ van der Knijff-van Dortmont, IJJ Dons-Sinke, W van de Peppel, N Kriek, CD van der Marel. Uterotonica gebruik rondom de electieve Sectio Caesarea in Nederlandse ziekenhuizen. Refresher Course 2016
  17. M Karami, M Tajik, JJ Duvekot, A Gonzalez, S Hoeks, CD van der Marel.. Invloed van de timing van electieve sectio op de frequentie van spoedsectio’s en perioperatieve, anesthesie gerelateerde complicaties. Refresher Course 2015
  1. CD van der Marel, RA van Lingen, MAL Pluim, G Scoones, M van Dijk, JM Vaandrager, D Tibboel. Analgesic efficacy of rectal versus oral acetaminophen in children after major craniofacial surgery. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2000; 67: 275-282.
  2. CD van der Marel, BJ Anderson, D Tibboel, NHG Holford. Urinary excretion pattern of acetaminophen metabolite sin young children. Pediatr Anaesth 2002; 12 (9): 827
  3. CD van der Marel, BJ Anderson, RA van Lingen, NHG Holford, MAL PLuim, FGA Jansman, JN van den Anker, D Tibboel. Paracetamol and metabolite pharmacokinetics in infants. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2003; 59(3): 243-251.
  4. CD van der Marel, BJ Anderson, MAL Pluim, A Gonzalez, THR de Jong, JN van den Anker, D Tibboel. Acetaminophen in cerebrospinal fluid in children. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2003; 59(4): 297-302.
  5. CD van der Marel, BJ Anderson, J Romsing, E Jaqz-Aigrain, D Tibboel. Diclofenac and metabolite pharmacokinetics in children. Paediatr Anaesth 2004; 14(6): 443-451
  6. Allegaert K, van der Marel CD, Debeer A, Pluim MAL, van Lingen RA, Vanhole C, Tibboel D, Devlieger H. Pharmacokinetics of single dose intravenous propacetamol in neonates; effects of gestational age. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2004; 89(1): F 25-8.
  7. CD van der Marel, JWB Peters, NJ Bouwmeester, Jacqz-Aigrain E, JN van den Anker, D Tibboel. Rectal acetaminophen does not reduce morphine consumption after major surgery in young infantsA randomized controlled trial. BJA 2007; 98(3): 372-379.
  8. EH Krekels, J de Jongh, RA van Lingen, CD van der Marel, I Choonara, AM Lynn, M Danhof, D Tibboel, C Knibbe. Predictive performance of a recently developed population pharmacokinetic model for morphine and its metabolites in new datasets of (preterm) neonates, infants and children. Clin Pharmacokinet 2011; 50 (1): 51 63.
  9. Wang C, Allegaert K, Tibboel D, Danhof D, Marel CD, Mathot RA, Knibbe CA. Population Pharmacokinetics of paracetamol across the human age-range from (pre)term neonates, infants, children to adults. J Clin Pharmacol 2014; 54(6): 619-629.
  10. ALMJ van der Knijff-van Dortmont, M Dirckx, JJ Duvekot, JW Roos-Hesselink, A Gonzalez Candel, CD van der Marel, GP Scoones, VFR Adriaens, IJJ Dons-Sinke. Epidural analgesia with ropivacaine during labour in a patient with a SNC5A gene mutation. Case Rep Anesthesiol. 2016;2016:9278409.
  11. K. van der Weerd, C. van Noord, M. Loeve, M.F.C.M. Knapen, W. Visser, W.W. de Herder, G. Franssen, C.D. van der Marel, R.A. Feelders. Case series and review of literature: pheochromocytoma in pregnancy. Eur J Endocrinol 2017; 177(2): R49-R58.
  12. Habre W, Disma N, Virag K, Becke K, Hansen TG, Jöhr M, Leva B, Morton NS, Vermeulen PM, Zielinska M, Boda K, Veyckemans F; APRICOT Group of the European Society of Anaesthesiology Clinical Trial Network. Incidence of severe critical events in paediatric anaesthesia (APRICOT): a prospective multicentre observational study in 261 hospitals in Europe. Lancet Respir Med. 2017;5(5):412-425
  13. DBM Kock-Cordeiro, RJM van den Biggelaar, AJ Eggink, E Brusse, CD van der Marel. Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia with non-invasive ventilation during caesarean delivery of a woman with a recent diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A multidisciplinary approach. Int J obstet Anesth 2018; 36: 108-110. doi: 10.1016/j.ijoa 2018.06.001
  14. Heesen M, Rijs K, Hilber N, Ngan Kee WD, Rossaint R, van der Marel C, Klimek M. Ephedrine versus phenylephrine as a vasopressor for spinal anaesthesia-induced hypotension in parturients undergoing high-risk caesarean section: meta-analysis, meta-regression and trial sequential analysis. Int J Obstet Anesth 2019; 37: 16-28. doi: 10.1016/j.ijoa.2018.10.006
  15. Bijl RC, Valensise H, Novelli GP, Vasapollo B, Wilkinson I, Thilaganathan B, Stöhr EJ, Lees C, van der Marel CD, Cornette JMJ. Methods and considerations concerning cardiac output measurement in pregnant women: recommendations of the International Working Group on Maternal Hemodynamics. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2019; 54(1): 35-50. doi: 10.1002/uog.20231
  16. Heesen M, Rijs K, Hilber N, Ngan Kee WD, Rossaint R, van der Marel C, Klimek M. Corrigendum to "Ephedrine versus phenylephrine as a vasopressor for spinal anaesthesia-induced hypotension in parturients undergoing high-risk caesarean section: meta-analysis, meta-regression and trial sequential analysis" [Int J Obstet Anesth 2019;37:16-28]. Int J Obstet Anesth 2019; 39:152. doi: 10.1016/j.ijoa.2019.05.003
  17. Uyl N, de Jonge E, Uyl-de Groot C, van der Marel C, Duvekot J. Difficult epidural placement in obese and non-obese pregnant women - A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Obstet Anesth 2019; 30. pii: S0959-289X(18)30427-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijoa.2019.05.011
  18. Heesen M, Hilber N, Rijs K, van der Marel C, Rossaint R, Schaeffer L, Klimek M. Intrathecale catheterisation after observed accidental dural puncture in laboring women: a meta-analysis and trial-sequential analysis. Accepted IJOA aug 2019
Contributions to books:
  1. Fysiologische veranderingen ten gevolge van de zwangerschap en hun implicaties voor de anesthesist. CD van der Marel. Anesthesie en analgesie in de normale zwangerschap. Leuven, Acco; 2017.
  2. Pijnbestrijding bij kinderen. CD van der Marel, T de Leeuw. Probleemgeorienteerd denken in de pijngeneeskunde. Utrecht, de Tijdstroom; 2017
National full articles:
  1. CD van der Marel, A. Eggink, RJ Stolker. Hoogcomplexe verloskunde: de dedicated obstetrisch anesthesioloog op de verloskamers. NTvG 2017; 161(0): D1185.
  2. CD van der Marel. Bevallen, een pijnlijke zaak? A&I Nascholingstijdschrift over perioperatieve geneeskunde 2019
  3. CD van der Marel. De cardiaal belaste zwangeren. A&I Nascholingstijdschrift over perioperatieve geneeskunde 2019