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Dr. ir. J.D. (Jason) Voorneveld, PhD

Assistant Professor

  • Department
  • Cardiology, Thorax Biomedical Engineering
  • Focus area
  • 4D Echocardiography, vector flow imaging, echoPIV, heart failure
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 I am curious about the interplay between blood flow and cardiovascular disease. Do altered blood flow patterns in the heart signal and/or contribute to cardiac remodelling and eventually heart failure? Can we predict if a patient will be re-hospitalized after an intervention by looking for unfavourable flow conditions? In order to answer these questions, I am developing new diagnostic ultrasound tools, capable of measuring blood flow in 3-dimensions at thousands of volumes per second.

Field(s) of expertise

High frame rate ultrasound imaging, ultrasound contrast agents, particle image velocimetry, 4D ultrasound imaging

Education and career

I received my BSc (Electro-mechanical engineering) and MSc (Biomedical engineering) from the University of Cape Town, South Africa in 2009 and 2014. I then completed my PhD at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam in 2019. During my post-doc at Erasmus MC (2019-2023) I also visited the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim, Norway) as a visiting researcher for half a year in 2021. 

I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Thorax Biomedical Engineering group, Department of Cardiology, Erasmus MC. 



For a complete overview see Google Scholar or Pure

Scholarships, grants, and awards

I received the Netherlands Heart Institute Fellowship to perform research at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway in 2021.

I am a recipient of the Hartstichting Dekkerbeurs (Postdoc) from 2023 to 2025. 

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