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Fundamental, translational and applied research into normal and malignant hematopoiesis, stem cell transplantation, developmental diagnostics and therapeutics, and hemostasis and thrombosis.

About our Department

Our research

At the department of Hematology we are dedicated to improving the diagnosis and treatment of patients with hematological diseases. We perform basic and translational research to generate insight into the pathobiology of hematological diseases, and translate these findings into novel treatments for our patients.

In addition, we direct a wide variety of clinical studies, closely linked to our preclinical programs. These clinical studies deal with the development of molecular diagnostics, advancement of allogeneic stem cell transplantation, circumvention of drug-resistance to chemotherapy as well as a broad range of clinical phase I to phase III trials for a variety of hematological diseases.

For more information on specific research lines please select a principle investigator from the list below or select a particular hematological disease in the list of research lines.

For more information on clinical care for patients with hematological diseases please see our clinical homepage.

Follow this link to see all our studies.

Principal Investigators

Research lines

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

  • Ruud Delwel
  • Mojca Jongen-Lavrencic
  • Bob Löwenberg
  • Peter Valk 

Severe Congenital Neutropenia

  • Ivo Touw

Hematopoiesis and Stem Cell Transplantation

  • Jan Cornelissen
  • Emma de Pater

Hemostasis & Thrombosis

  • Ruben Bierings
  • Frank Leebeek
  • Monique de Maat
  • Dick Rijken

Myelodisplastic Syndrome

  • Marc Raaijmakers
  • Rebecca Schneider-Kraman

Multiple Myeloma

  • Tom Cupedo
  • Pieter Sonneveld


News, events and awards

Our news

Dr. Hermann Einsele is the recipient of the Erasmus Hematology Award 2022

The Erasmus Hematology Award has been established to honor a distinguished scientist who has made pivotal contributions to our understanding in an area of Hematology.

Dr. Einsele recipient of the Hematology Award 2022

Dr. Einsele is a world leading expert in the field immunotherapy for hematological malignancies. He is most known for his achievements in translational research and clinical studies in the field of multiple myeloma with focus on CAR T-cell therapy, bi-specific antibodies, adoptive immunotherapy and stem cell transplantation.

Hermann Einsele is a full professor of Internal Medicine and Director of the department of Internal Medicine of the University Hospital in Würzburg, Germany.

Award Lecture: “Bi-specific antibodies and CAR T-cell therapy in mature B-cell malignancies”

The official ceremony and the Hematology Award lecture is scheduled on Tuesday October 4, 2022 from 16.00-17.00h. The lecture will be preceded by a mini symposium on cellular therapies in hematological malignancies and oncology by renowned clinicians and researchers in the field:

  • Joachim Aerts, professor of Pulmonology
  • Marie José Kersten, professor of Hematology
  • Tom Cupedo, associate professor of Hematology

The symposium starts at 14.30h at the Depot, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Museumpark 24 in Rotterdam.

Dr. Einsele is hosted by the Department of Hematology at Erasmus University Medical Center.

Information and registration
If you wish to attend the symposium and the 2022 Hematology Award Lecture, please register at: erasmus.hematology.award@erasmusmc.nl.

For information please contact Prof Dr Frank Leebeek, Head of the Department of Hematology at 010-7033740 or Tessa Mannee at: erasmus.hematology.award@erasmusmc.nl.

Virtual Hematology Lectures Fall 2022

Time: Mondays 16:00 hrs / 04.00 PM CET
Location: Zoom 
Contact: Prof Dr Ruud Delwel, h.delwel@erasmusmc.nl, Mrs. Tessa Mannee, t.mannee@erasmusmc.nl
Duration: 1 hour
Cost: Free of charge & no registration required
Webinar ID: 896 3513 0792
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89635130792

19 September 2022

Omar Abdel-Wahab, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, U.S.A.

New mechanism based therapeutics for leukemia

03 October 2022

Matthew Flick, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, U.S.A.

Coagulation-driven tumor growth and metastasis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

17 October 2022

Irene Ghobrial, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, U.S.A.

Early interception in multiple myeloma

31 October 2022

Jonathan D. Licht, University of Florida, Gainesville, U.S.A.

NSD2, A histone methytransferase driving lymphoid malignancy

14 November 2022

Constanze Bonifer, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K.

Aberrant signalling drives gene regulatory network dynamics in acute myeloid leukaemia

28 November 2022

Cristina Lo Celso, Imperial College London, London, U.K.

Healthy and malignant haematopoiesis in the bone marrow: dynamic cells in an evolving environment

19 December 2022

Paul Liu, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, U.S.A.

Core binding factors (RUNX1 and CBFB) in leukemogenesis: lessons learned and more challenges


Grant Department Hematology ErasmusMC for single cell analyses in hematologic malignancies

The Hematology department has received a grant of €100.000 from the Stichting Leukemie (www.leukemie.nl) for single cell analysis of hematological malignancies, in particular acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

Peter Valk Award Department Hematology

AML is an example of a heterogeneous group of hematologic malignancies with a variable response to therapy. The heterogeneity of AML is illustrated by the different (combinations of) mutations that occur with AML. Based on these mutations the prognosis of the AML patient can be estimated. However, despite the fact that prognostics in AML has greatly improved in recent decades, there is still much to be learned.

Residual disease during therapy of a haematological malignancy is a good predictor for getting recurrence of disease. We have recently demonstrated that the use of next generation sequencing in residual disease detection greatly improves the quantitative prediction of a recurrence (M. Jongen et al., NEJM 378, 2018).

The analyses in the above study were performed on the bulk of the AML cells. Analysis of DNA abnormalities at the level of a single cell will ultimately be necessary to determine which cells within a heterogeneous population of cells are critically important for the return of the AML. The grant from the Stichting Leukemie will be used to purchase equipment for the analysis of residual disease in AML at the single cell level.
