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Frederike Ambagtsheer

Dr. J.A.E. (Frederike) Ambagtsheer

Wetenschappelijk Onderzoeker

Wetenschappelijk Onderzoeker

  • Aandachtsgebied
  • Orgaanhandel
Extern profiel

Organ trafficking researcher at the department of Internal Medicine, section Nephrology & Transplantation at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Backgrounds in Criminology (MSc) and Public International Law (LL.M) and a PhD (cum laude) on Organ Trade. Coordinated the first EU-funded project against trafficking in human beings for organ removal (, 2012-2016). 

Organ trade

MAs in criminology and public international law

I am involved in the education curriculum of the Dpt. of Internal Medicine, giving annual lectures to students of medicine (‘Minor Transplantatie, Junior Med School, Keuzeonderwijs’). I also regularly give lectures to students of philosophy and criminology at the department of Philosophy and at the Erasmus School of Law.

Chair of the Working Group ‘Organ Tourism and Paid Donation’ of the European Platform on Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial aspects of Organ Transplantation (ELPAT)

  • Gauke Kootstra Award for best PhD Thesis in Transplant Medicine, Congress of the Dutch Transplantation Society, 13-14th March 2019
  • Conceived the idea, wrote the application and received a grant from the European Commission Directorate General Home Affairs, Prevention of and Fight Against Crime for the project, ‘Combating Trafficking in Persons for the Purpose of Organ Removal’ (the HOTT project). Amount: €600,000; Grant no. 4000002186; Website: (2012-2015)

  • Author of approximately 20 peer-reviewed publications, most of which in top-tiered journals
  • Edited 3 books
  • 5 invited contributions to edited volumes